Purchasing real estate is a big deal. It’s common to ask questions such as “Did I get a good deal?” and “Will I be happy in this area?”. The questions you shouldn’t have to ask are “Will my new home negatively affect my health?” and “Will the ceiling texture affect the sale price if I ever decide to resell?”.
This new condo owner on Commercial Drive took action to avoid these questions by calling us at RemoveCeilingTexture.com to have a look at her dingy ceilings.
As with most textured ceilings, this one was covered with dust and even cobwebs. The texture was also cracked along the edges of the walls. We assured her that texture removal would give the condo a fresh look and began our work.
You can see from the before and after photos that the result just a few days later was clean, smooth ceilings. Now the homeowner can relax in her new condo and ask herself “Where will my sofa look best?” instead of worrying about the state of her ceilings.