Cheapest price and best quality don’t always go hand in hand. Just ask this unfortunate person. While we don’t know much about fixing bad tattoos, we do know a lot about fixing bad ceilings. was recently contacted by a homeowner in Delta. We had given her a ceiling texture removal/resurfacing quote a few months earlier and she had declined to go with us. She was calling us again now because she regretted that decision. She had hired a cheap “renovation” company that didn’t have a lot of experience with ceilings.
Close Only Counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

Unfortunately for her, the company she originally hired did not realize that removing the ceiling texture is the easy part, and is just the first step. While the popcorn ceiling texture was technically gone, the finished result was far from professional. Instead of being perfectly flat (the result she had hoped for), the ceiling had visible, undulating waves that created shadows. They had removed the texture and apparently decided that it was good enough as is. This could have explained their low price.
Fixing Bad Ceilings: to the Rescue
She decided that she couldn’t live with the imperfect ceilings and asked if we could fix the mess. We assured her that we had experience with wavy ceilings and fixing bad ceilings was definitely something we were familiar with. We filled in the waves and resurfaced the entire ceiling so that it was level and perfectly smooth. Ceiling resurfacing requires an artisan’s touch and this is what we specialize in. Most “renovation” companies don’t take the time and effort necessary for a perfect finish.

One Man’s Mistake is Another Man’s Lesson
“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”
Don’t make the same mistake this homeowner made. If you have ceiling texture you want removed, or other ceiling repairs done, contact the ceiling experts, from the start. You could save yourself time and money. If you’re in the same situation as this Delta homeowner and would like your ceilings fixed, contact us online or call us today at 604-420-7578 for a FREE quote.
Click through to our gallery to see more examples of our ceiling repair and ceiling texture removal.