Smooth is better: Update your ceilings by having them resurfaced

Interior design is the art of taking a space and making it functional and pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, ceilings are an often overlooked piece of the interior design puzzle. This is such a shame because the surface area is so large that any change will make a big difference in the feel of your home. A simple thing such as having the popcorn texture removed from your ceilings, will make the space feel larger, brighter and more modern. In addition, smooth ceilings provide better air quality. Once the ceiling texture is gone and the ceilings have been resurfaced, there will be no nooks and crannies for dust, spider webs and other allergens to hide. Modernization and less asthma attacks: a win-win situation.

Bulkheads & Valances: Ceiling texture doesn’t make them more attractive
Let’s face it. Bulkheads and valances are not the most attractive features in a home.

No Realtor selling a home advertises all the first-class bulkheads. However, they can be necessary to cover up ducts or pipes, especially in basements. Without doing a major renovation, you just have to live with them. Likewise, no interior designer or architect designs a home trying to get as many valances in as possible. Sometimes they’re just unavoidable. But what if your bulkheads or valances are also covered in ceiling texture? It’s as if the builders said, “Ceilings covered in horrible, popcorn texture that collects dust? Check. Now let’s see where else we can spray this nasty stuff.” While you may have to put up with these unwelcome necessities, they should at least not look diseased. Ditch the texture. At we can remove texture from anywhere.

Lighting: What’s interior design without a little mood lighting?

The new flooring is in, the furniture is picked out and now you’ve found the perfect lights. When you show off your interior design and the new light fixtures, do you really want people inspecting your dusty ceiling texture too? A smooth, texture-free surface will make the important things, like fantastic lighting, stand out.

Whether you have bulkheads or valances covered in texture, or you have new lighting that requires smooth ceilings or you just want the modern look that texture free ceilings give, contact us today for a FREE quote on ceiling texture removal and ceiling resurfacing. Or give us a call from anywhere in BC at 604-420-7578.