The owner of this condo in Burnaby, like many others, was suffering from cracks that appeared in the centre and along the edges of the concrete ceiling. Frustrated after many years of looking at the ugly cracked ceiling, she decided to do something about it. She was told by other contractors that “nothing could be done” about the crack problem other than filling the crack with silicone caulking which was even uglier than the crack itself. Frustrated, the owner contacted us at

This condo came with a typical concrete ceiling that was sprayed with coarse popcorn texture by the original builder. We removed the coarse texture, ground the ceiling all the way down to the source of the crack, patched the crack so that it wouldn’t come back in the future and finished the ceiling to a very smooth, flat and beautiful finish. The way it should have been done in the first place. We also painted the ceiling and the walls for this nice lady. Now, she has a fresh, smooth ceiling in her home and she can breathe easier without all the dust and allergens getting trapped in the popcorn texture.
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Contact us for Cracked Ceiling Repair
If the concrete ceiling in your condo is cracked and cracks are showing through the popcorn ceiling texture, don’t wait any longer for the problem to get worse. Use the quick form below to contact us here at and let us help you get your ceilings back to being crack-free, smooth and free of texture.