Ceiling corner cracks. Cracked corners of the ceilings. Entrances to other portals. Whatever you call them, popcorn-texture cracks in the corners of your ceilings are ugly and should be taken care of. And if they are indeed entrances to other portals, you risk the possibility of Narnia-like creatures invading and eating all the cookies in your cupboard. So there’s that.
But aside from thwarting mystical beings, there are practical reasons to get these cracks fixed. To start with, the cracks look terrible. Also, dust and moisture can get in there and create problems, possibly leading to more cracking in the texture. And if that’s not bad enough, just think about insects and spiders setting up shop in there. The ceiling corner cracks have to go if you want peace of mind.
Why Do Ceiling Corner Cracks Appear?

Ceiling texture often cracks in the corners and around the edges of walls because of the way the drywall was finished. If insufficient amounts of mud are applied to the drywall tape at these critical wall-ceiling meeting points, the tape will eventually become too dry and will start to lift off the drywall. The ceiling texture is lifted with the tape and this creates a crack. If you are experiencing this problem, we can fix it during the process of removing the ceiling texture and resurfacing the ceilings with fresh mud compound. This stops the corners from delaminating and cracking again in the long run.
Fix the Cracks and Seal off the Portals

These homeowners weren’t sure what to do about their cracks. They decided to find someone who specializes in ceilings. That’s when they contacted us. At RemoveCeilingTexture.com, we deal with ceilings and ceiling texture each and every day. Our experience makes us qualified in a way that drywallers and general contractors aren’t because they don’t specialize in ceilings. In fact, we’re often contacted by general contractors who know they don’t have the expertise when it comes to ceilings.
Because the drywall tape underneath the ceiling texture is the culprit, trying to fix the texture won’t solve the problem. The corners are likely to keep cracking in the future. So the homeowners opted to remove the texture altogether and have the ceiling resurfaced. The mud compound we use will stop the tape from lifting. This fixed the ceiling corner cracks problem, but also gave them modern, smooth ceilings that literally freshen the home. Air quality is better after ceiling texture is removed because dust and other allergens can no longer become trapped up there. Now they don’t have to worry about ceiling cracks, asthma aggravation, or half human-half goat fauns leaving muddy hoof marks in the living room.
Other types of ceiling cracks that we often see:

If you have ceiling cracks, or you just want more information on removing ceiling texture, contact us today. Call us at 604-420-7578 or contact us by email for a FREE quote.